John Barnes’s culinary tips

John Barnes pie.

My mother always said ‘a good cook is like a rottweiler, but not a dog of course!’ I never quite got what she meant, but I like cooking. Here’s a recipe which has been passed down through the Barnes family for generations. It’s very similar to shepherd’s pie, but with a special ‘John Barnes’ surprise. You’ll find out what it is at the end.


Mashed Potato (just like I mashed all my opponents!)
Spices (like the spice I added to the Liverpool team!)
Sliced Carrots (remember how I would slice through those defences!)
Worcestershire Sauce (though it wasn’t just the Worcestershire girls who found me saucy!)
A twist of Lemon (I used to twist and turn down that wing too didn’t I!)


Fry the mince until it is nice and brown. Add the spices and sauce. Make the mash while it is cooking. Add the carrots and lemon juice to the mince. Now put the mince in a bowl.
Put the mash on top of the mince. But here’s the surprise! Put the mash in the shape of the letters ‘JB’ (for John Barnes). Now put the pie in a preheated oven (make sure it is really hot, just like my soccer skills!) and cook for 20 mins until golden on top (just like my goals!).
Now invite a few friends round to help you eat the pie.

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